Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 Mac Attack 1-Activity 4:End of day reflection

Today at SST, my classmates played some ice-breaker games like murderer and blow-wind-blow. We were also taught a few cheers and a dance together with the other classes. We also had a lesson conducted by Mr. Nooh, our form teacher, about the 3R's: Roles, Rights and Responsibilities. Then we went into groups and each student wrote about any of the three Rs. Then we were allowed to use our phones to take pictures of other groups' work. After that we had a activity called 'Mac Attack' that helped us to learn more about our macbook. Overall, it was really fun!

What  have I learnt? I learned the SST school cheers and dance, the 3R's: Roles, Rights and Responsibilities. I have also got to know my PSLs (peer support leaders), my teacher and I got to know more about my macbook.

I chose SST because the teaching methods used and the learning style is more exciting.

I hope I can contribute to SST in any way I can.

To me, the picture that best illustrates my growth is the image below: